Online MBA students can take MBA lectures from the comfort of their homes, with the internet students can access coursework/lectures from anywhere at any time according to their convenience, this flexibility helps people to work along with studying. Online MBA is a great opportunity for those who maintain a work-life balance, students can attend classes without the worry of commuting to college to attend Online MBA classes.
Offline MBA students can only attend the lectures during the university's scheduled time, in the in-person, face-to-face teaching method students and teachers have to work on the rigid schedule prescribed by the university, and to attend Offline MBA lectures students have to travel daily to the university. Students have to cope with the teaching speed of the lectures and compete with fellow students, which will not be the case in online MBAs.
Taking up an online MBA at a reputed university costs less than the traditional form of learning. This helps students tackle money problems, Admission, and technology costs (laptop/phone, wifi/cellular recharge) are the only expenses students have to face here. Online MBA Fees typically fall in the range of 3-4 lakh.
The admission cost for offline MBA classes at a reputed university is higher compared to an online MBA. This method also includes other miscellaneous expenses of students (transportation, food, accommodation) Offline MBA Fees for government colleges fall in the range of 3-5 lakh and for private colleges fall in the range of 10-15 lakh.
Teaching method
In Online MBA students learn through pre-recorded lectures which are accessible by students on their own time, students have to submit their assignments through video presentations from the comfort of their homes, and the university also conducts live-streamed sessions from industry experts. Online MBAs get the opportunity to attend online guest lectures from experts across borders.
Teaching method
In Offline MBA classes students get the opportunity to have face-to-face interaction with the lectures and in-person learning from the best lectures of the university, they also have classroom discussions with fellow students and have a chance to attend guest lectures, there is no flexibility for students to listen to lectures at any time, In offline MBA course students need to follow the rigid office hours.
Class size and diversity
Often online MBA classes will have a large size of students, so it is easy for the lecturers to manage a huge mass of students. Also, there will be geographical diversity because students from anywhere in the country can join the course, and working professionals from different backgrounds will be attending the Online MBA class.
Class size and diversity
The offline MBA size of the class will always be small (50-60 students) because managing more students may be difficult for the lecturers, there will be less number of students and most of the students will be from localities with fewer professional diverse students who will come after the under graduations.
The duration for completion of the course can be decided by the students, through the online method
- Accelerated Online MBA - here it allows students to complete the Online MBA course more quickly students need to have a higher level of commitment and a higher workload.
- Traditional Online MBA - here the traditional method of completing a course is followed in the online form, for 2 years.
- Part-time Online MBA - In Online MBA students can maintain full-time employment while pursuing the degree, they will have the flexibility to balance education during employment, this course can take about 2.5 years to 3 years.
In offline MBA courses also students get the opportunity to choose the duration to complete their course.
- Full-time Offline MBA - This is a traditional and mostly famous type of MBA where students attend offline classes after their UG education, traditional MBA takes 2 years to complet.
- Part-time Offline MBA - The students get to balance work and employment, and people have to attend weekend classes.
- Executive Offline MBA (EMBA) - The Offline MBA course is for working professionals, the course provides flexible schedules for busy work schedules, to attend classes on weekends, and to have the opportunity to complete in 1 year.
In Online MBA mode, the students get the opportunity to take key lectures from industry experts and also the experienced employees of the Online MBA-providing university. Also, the online lectures from Crass Boarder are the potion feasible.
In Offline MBA mode, the lecturers can only be conducted by the Full-time employees of the university, if the university wants someone industry expert to come they need to physically get them to Offline MBA college. Which may not be possible all the time.
The institution chosen by the candidate for the online MBA will be conducting online examinations for the candidates. The candidate has the liberty to take an examination from their home without wasting the time of going to the examination center. Also, the Online MBA students will have to submit the assignments and project reports through an online format. (this method can vary for each university).
The Offline MBA students will have to attend the traditional examination format by physically being present in the exam hall, students here have the opportunity to join in with other students for group projects and assignments. Preparing for the exam as students travel to the exam hall is time-consuming and also affects the focus of the students while they follow the rules of the traditional exam hall.
The placement opportunity for online MBA students can be done by virtual recruiting conducted by the university by bringing all top companies in one place and giving high opportunity for candidates to get placed in the companies, online career services, or the candidates can go for a self-directed job search in the field of their interest.
There will be a placement drive for offline MBA students as On-campus recruitment, which helps the candidates get the job as soon as they complete their education or before they graduate. However, it is difficult for Offline MBA universities to gather a large number of recruiting companies on their campus and conduct a placement drive for the students.
Study materials
The study materials provided by the online MBA university for the reference of students will be mostly Digital textbooks and, an online library which works very convenient for students to carry around and study at the time of their choice, students can enjoy the liberty of carrying n number books in a digital format.
Study materials
In Offline MBA classes, the students will be provided with textbooks, and course materials which will be in physical book format, and also get library resources on the campus with the option of borrowing the books. Offline MBA Candidates face the difficulty of carrying limited books at a time.
Well, here is the gist of both types of courses, online MBA provides you flexibility, which costs less, and it lets you complete the course in less time from top universities during your busy schedule. Offline MBA gives you network opportunities, on-the-spot doubt clearance, and on-campus experience. Online MBA and offline MBA both have their pros and cons, now ball is in your court, and you have to make a call.