Disclaimer : Course Connect promotes only verified universities and approved courses. And, we don’t entertain enrollment before consultation with our career experts!"
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Our Way To Know You

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Your next step towards your career aspirations!

Skill building course or diploma
Courses with job placements
Executive course for career growth
In need of Expert advice

Your next step towards your career aspirations!

Master program to enhance career
Skill building course or diploma
Courses with job placements
Executive course for career growth

Your next step towards your career aspirations!

Bachelor's for higher education
Courses with job placements
Skill building course or diploma
In need of Expert advice

Your next step towards your career aspirations!

Courses with Job Placements
In need of expert advice

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Course Connect - Your Ever Present Career Ally

Your Professional Growth is Our Commitment!

No matter if you are a fresh graduate, a seasoned professional looking for professional growth or just an enthusiastic learner setting your career goals. We, at Course Connect will help you fulfil your career goals. From career counselling you to make the right choice to bringing you a step closer to your career goals, we will hold your back every step of the way.

Be it resume building or mock interviews, we’ve got every career service under the sun to make sure that you make the best use of your potential and choose the course best suited for your career growth! With all these career services we assure you that you will see a mind-blowing professional growth.

Join us and step-up your chance of fulfilling your career goals!

INR 19,995 only

Our contribution as your Professional Pathfinders

Career Counselling Service

Know yourself & Frame Your Career Goals!

Unsure of what’s right for your professional growth? With the offer of 3 step career counselling, we help you identify your strengths, interests and career goals. Though our counsellors are not three eyed ravens, they’ll provide you with the best insights about yourself.

sessions with industry experts

Attend sessions with maestros of industries!

These sessions with industry experts will be all about tapping all your inner powers and using them to conquer your career goals. Tell them about your interests and they will help you refine your skills specific to your career goals. Aim the stars and our industry experts will help you hit them.

resume & linkedin profile!

Slay your resume & linkedin profile!

Trust me, your career journey deserves more than just bullet points. We at Course connect craft resumes which add personality to your professional narratives. Our career path finders will build you a job profile specific to your career goals so that it just doesn’t land into the inbox of your recruiter but also makes its way to their memories.

Mock Interview

Own your interview!

Get trained and experienced with one-on-one mock interviews tailored specially to meet your career goals. We get it, owning your interview is an art, so we help you sprinkle some magic into it with our post-interview feedback sessions.

Placement Opportunities

Placement Opportunities!

With an extensive network of companies and professionals we will help you refine your skills and make you ready to achieve your career goals. With an Excellent placement program we run, make the best use of full packed placements with Course Connect Elite.

Our Motto

At Course Connect we don’t just aim for excellence; we wear it as our standard.

We are an online learning ecosystem aiming to redefine online education with a student-first policy, driven by the commitment to equip professionals for career growth. Once you start your journey with us, we shall be your best accomplices and shape your career journey in the way you dreamt. Whether you are a magician with numbers, techy with coding or an artist so endearing we have a support team which will constantly help you achieve your career goals. Dive in to witness a breath-taking transformation of your professional life.

Industry Expert

20 + Industry Expert

one month duration

1 month’s duration

products mentorship

1-on-1 mentorship

In-Demand Courses

Chasing your dream career should never be compromised!

Launch your journey of knowledge and skill enhancement with course connect, your gateway towards career growth. No matter who you are, a professional building upon knowledge, a student keen on sharpening concepts or just an enthusiastic learner we have it all for you to achieve your career goals. Wait, we just don’t stop with being an e-learning platform, with top tier industry experts and career counsellors available we make sure you make the best of your potential by setting up the right career goals. Look at the domains-in-demand in the job market, match your interest, pursue your graduation from India's Top Universities. Rely on us, we will be the bridge with all the career services connecting you to your career goals!

With Course Connect transform your mundane workplace to a passion powerhouse.

in demand online mba courses

Money-back assurance!

We assure to give all the above- mentioned services, but if we fail so ever in doing that, we guarantee to return you money back Terms and conditions applied!

Transparent Pricing!

Say goodbye to hidden charges! With us, you get pricing transparency. Your payments go directly to universities, ensuring a straightforward and trustworthy financial process.