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It’s time to choose the right B-schools

The admission season has begun, candidates are constantly showered with advice from professors, coaching centres and seniors on choosing the right business school. As MBA is a 2-year course, so, being decisive means not wasting money and efforts throughout this journey.

This 2-year journey can transform individuals into polished professionals. Candidates must make sure that they interpret placement statistics correctly. Faculties are the backbone of any educational institution, always looking out for faculty members who foster all round development.

Curriculum is the strength fuelling professionals face the realities of professional life, so make sure that the learning is outcome based. Rankings and accreditations are an easy way to shortlist universities, prioritise institutions wisely. Finally, go on a campus visit, check out the environment, and decide for yourself!

Reference - Times of India - 15/05/2024


Business schools across the globe are shortly called B-schools.

Yes, business education has a huge scope in India, as it is a country with growing startups and a economy.

Not necessarily but if you are unsure about your career goals then it's always advisable to get counselled.