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Telegraph Online Education in association with NSHM Knowledge Campus and Techno India group hosted an Educators meet. The meet this time was hosted in Durgapur following the success of its first leg in Kolkata.

The words of NSHM chief Mentor, Cecil Antony deeply resonated with the audience as he told them about the evolving educational landscape. “ Long ago there was a debate about whether becoming an “Engineer” or “Doctor” but the debate has now moved to “STEM” or “Non-STEM” MBA programs as they provide you with a variety of job opportunities each of which is exciting - it is now on you how you guide young minds towards choosing the right career.

The Telegraph Online Edugraph Educators meet 2024 was a massive success as it offered educators with a new perspective and tools to transform teaching methods.

Reference :

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STEM MBA, is an MBA program in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Online education refers to a form of education where instruction and guidance to students takes place through the internet.

Yes MBA can be pursued Online.