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UGC is ready to take sweeping action against universities offering foreign courses without approval!

In September, the Delhi High Court instructed the University Grants Commission (UGC) to take action against universities and colleges offering degrees with no proper specialization to ensure adherence to legal requirements.

So UGC is now all set to take action against the Edtech companies in the market which offer foreign degrees or courses without approval. In a public notice issued by UGC it is explicitly stated that “ No foreign higher educational institution shall offer any program in India without prior approval of the commission. Action will also be taken against all defaulting Edtech Companies as well as Higher Educational Institutions(HEI’s) under applicable laws, rules and regulations.”

UGC is ready to take sweeping action against universities offering foreign courses without approval!

Further the notice also talks about colleges being in collaborative agreements with foreign educational institutions. Most importantly UGC strictly mentions in its notice that “ Any collaboration or arrangement not recognized by UGC and accordingly the degrees issued after such arrangement are not recognized by Commission.”

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UGC, Universities Grants Commission provides recognition to universities in India and disburses funds for such colleges.

Yes foreign universities can offer higher education programs in India with approval of the University Grants Commision.

The degree done is considered valid only if the university and its programs are approved by University Grants Commission (UGC).